How to become a Standard Business Sponsor. We break down the steps you need to take.

Becoming a Standard Business Sponsor (SBS) to sponsor overseas skilled workers in Australia involves several steps and obligations to ensure compliance with Australian immigration laws. We have listed below a general overview of the process you need to take to become a successful SBS. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us.

The first step is to ensure that your business can meet the requirements, your business needs to apply to become an approved sponsor by submitting an online application through the Department of Home Affairs’ (the Department) website. You must provide information about your business structure, activities, financial standing and other relevant documents. 

Secondly, once your business becomes an approved sponsor, you need to nominate a skilled position for the overseas worker. This involves providing details about the position, job title, duties, qualifications and the salary offered. 

In most cases, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ve attempted to fill the position with an Australian worker before sponsoring an overseas worker; This is called Labour Market Testing. This usually involves advertising the position locally and providing evidence of your efforts to recruit. You will also need to offer a salary that is in line with the market rate for the nominated occupation in Australia. This helps ensure that the overseas worker is not being exploited and that the local labour market is not undercut.

After your nomination has been approved, the overseas worker can apply for the relevant visa subclasses. They will need to meet the visa requirements, including English language proficiency and health and character checks. 

As an SBS, you have ongoing obligations to comply with the Australian immigration laws. This includes notifying the Department of any changes to the sponsored worker’s employment status, e.g. role, salary or termination of employment. 

It is essential to familiarise yourself with the specific requirements and obligations associated with sponsoring overseas workers in Australia, as the process can be complex and subject to change. Regional Migration Australia can work with you to determine the best visa option to nominate your application. If you need more advice please contact book a consultation or give us a call on 1800 567 663.

Disclaimer – Content in these articles does not constitute immigration or legal advice, it is not intended as a substitute for such advice and must not be relied upon as such. This material is designed to provide informative guidelines for general informational purposes only. Please consult with our Australian MARN registered agents’ via our content forms on our website or call on 1800 567 663 to make an appointment. 

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