Exciting updates for UK Passport Holders to the Working Holiday Program starting the 1st of July 2024.

Are you dreaming of exploring Australia while gaining valuable work experience? Well, get ready to pack your bags and embark on an adventure down under because the Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program is undergoing some exciting changes starting the 1st of July, 2024.

No Specified Work Requirements!
One of the most significant updates to the WHM program is the removal of specified work requirements. Folks with UK passports won’t need to fulfill work criteria when they apply for their second or third Working Holiday Maker visas. Currently, to be eligible for second and third year visas the applicant needs to have completed 3 or 6 months ‘specified work’, this will no longer apply.

If a UK passport holder has already spent one or two years in Australia on a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa before the new arrangement commence, they can apply for the remaining visa(s) under the new arrangements from 1st July 2024. This will enable you to access the maximum of three years in Australia. This also applies to UK passport holders who previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa using a different eligible passport.

These changes come after additional changes were made to the age limit back in July 2023, increasing the age limit from 30 years old to 35. This extension allowed for a broader range of travellers to explore the vast landscapes, vibrant cities and rich cultural experiences that Australia has to offer.
All other existing arrangements under the WHM program, including the 6 month work limitation per employer and the 4 month study limitation will continue to apply to UK passport holders.

These new arrangements are only available to applicants who use a passport issued by the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland to lodge their visa application.

Mark your calendars and get ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime in Australia!

Looking for a Working Holiday visa, Visitor visa, or other temporary visas? Get in touch with us today! We assist individuals across Australia and around the globe, helping you achieve your dreams of visiting Australia. Let us help you make it happen!

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